Harvest Community Church of Irvine
You have pursued God all of your life but continue to hit a wall. Understanding God’s
truth feels difficult, much less applying it. You were never supposed to do this alone.
Truth is best transmitted to the heart through relationships. We invite you to participate
in our one-on-one spiritual training program: Pathway.
Jesus started a revolution of disciple-making nearly 2000 years ago. He built the church
on a community of disciples, or students, where mature spiritual believers met with
passionate students to train them in the faith to live and follow Jesus. Much like
anything else in life, truth is best transmitted to the heart through one-on-one mentoring
relationships. You are invited to meet in groups of two or three where you will become a
disciple and learn from someone older in the Christian faith, someone who will walk with
you through a season of your life to grow in your relationship with God. Your discipler
will teach you the foundations of the Christian faith in God’s Word, starting with a
deeper understanding of our Trinitarian God. They will help you address issues of
character and conduct, demonstrating how the love of Christ teaches us to love one
another. This person will support you in developing spiritual practices such as fasting,
prayer, service, etc. The person with whom you are paired will share with you how to
read the Bible to better live out your faith. They make this investment from their love for
God in the hope that you will one day do the same for someone else as we walk in The
Way of Jesus.